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somatic education

Somatic education is centered on study of the brain and body connection. 

A pioneer in the field of somatics was Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, who developed a unique learning system designed to help others to identify how they move and to explore new forms of organization for better ease and performance. 

His approach was unique from most forms of therapy in the fact that it is a learning methodology. It is therefore less about what you do and more about what you discover. 

The work begun by Moshe has been carried on and furthered by many of his students including Mia Sega and Leora Gaster, founders of Mind Body Studies. 

As a certified Mind Body Studies Practitioner, I can help empower you to discover new methods of self-organization to better realize your own great potential. 

Click here for current rates.

"If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want."

- Moshe Feldenkrais

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