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somatic education

Somatic education is centered on study of the brain and body connection. 

A pioneer in the field of somatics was Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, who developed a unique learning system designed to help others to identify how they move and to explore new forms of organization for better ease and performance. 

His approach was unique from most forms of therapy in the fact that it is a learning methodology. It is therefore less about what you do and more about what you discover. 

The work begun by Moshe has been carried on and furthered by many of his students including Mia Sega and Leora Gaster, founders of Mind Body Studies. 

As a certified Mind Body Studies Practitioner, I can help empower you to discover new methods of self-organization to better realize your own great potential. 

Click here for current rates.

"If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want."

- Moshe Feldenkrais

  • What Is Somatic Education and Mind Body Studies?
    Mind Body Studies an integrative set of tools for improving function and realizing potential. It is a unique learning system designed to help others to identify how they move and to explore new forms of organization for better ease and performance.
  • How Does It Work?
    Somatic education is different from most forms of therapy in the fact that it is a learning methodology. It is therefore less about what you do and more about what you discover. Somatic sessions are conducted through two modalities: Group Lessons Verbal guided instruction progressing through a series of movements. Individual Lessons Primarily non-verbal guided instruction; resembling attentive body work.
  • Why Does It Work?
    Somatic education works closely with the modern concept of neuroplasticity and our growing understanding of the brain body connection. It was previously thought that the brain was like a computer: there were certain areas designated for certain tasks and if those areas were damaged, those functions were lost forever. We now know that the brain is highly plastic (malleable), capable of incredible reorganization and learning, well into old age. You can learn. It was previously thought that the brain was like a computer: it receives sensory input from the body and delivers motor commands to the body. We now know that the path is not so direct and that the brain creates a body image through which it processes and perceives information. The accuracy of this body image often varies however, for different reasons including habits, learned behaviour and injury. You are capable of more than you believe. Mind Body Studies use the principles of time, awareness and ease to provide a better opportunity for learning.
  • Who Does It Benefit?
    Somatic education can benefit all beings capable of conscious thought and autonomous movement. While this work was initially developed for people it also has applications with animals including horses, dogs and cats.
  • Why Choose Somatic Education and Mind Body Studies?
    Those Who Seek Relief Our habits can help us or they can hinder us. When our bodies have been injured we typically adopt ways of moving that we believe will protect us from pain and discomfort. However, after the healing period is complete we often continue to carry ourselves in compensation. Over time, this unbalanced way of moving limits our mobility and puts stress on our system, reinforcing our belief that something is wrong and that our bodies are damaged. Somatic lessons work to free us of those beliefs and gives us a safe place in which to explore our movement and to rediscover our potential. Those Who Seek Performance The coordination of movement in time and space is an essential skill for all athletes and performers. When the body is optimally organized, movements feel effortless because they are distributed through the entire system. In such a case, no one part of the system receives undue stress because all the parts are participating in playing their role. Somatic lessons allow us to discover new methods of self-organization and coordination for better function.
  • How Is Mind Body Studies Different From Other Forms of Somatic Education?
    Mind Body Studies Is: Subtle How fascinating that the seemingly smallest of changes can have such profound effects. I have found that I have grown more insight and gained more ability through the small shifts in Feldenkrais than I have in making my greatest efforts elsewhere. Mind Body Studies Is: Simple You don’t need a million gadgets and gizmos to use the Mind Body Studies approach. An open mind, a body and a floor are plenty to begin a world of change. Mind Body Studies Is: Empowering The role of a MBS practitioner is to help the student discover something about themselves so that they can have more freedom of choice in how they move and function. The student takes an active role in participating in these lessons and therefore own the movements for themselves. This work is not about trying to mimic the abilities of others or about achieving an abstract ‘ideal’ movement. It is about learning who you are and becoming the best version of yourself.
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